Program Requirements

General Program Requirements:
Number of Credits Required to Earn the Degree: 32-68, depending on area of specialization1:

Clinical Psychology68
Cognition 和 Neuroscience 232
Developmental Psychology 232
Social Psychology 232

For greater detail on requirements by area of specialization, consult the Department of Psychology 和 Neuroscience 研究生 H和book, 发现


39 credits required with the Neuroscience specialization.

Required 课程:

Area of Specialization in Clinical Psychology

Core 课程
8011研究生 Statistics I 13
8015Teaching of Psychology0
8017Professional Issues for Psychology 职业生涯0
8021研究生 Statistics II 13
8410Multicultural Issues in Clinical Psychology3
8411Cognitive-Behavioral Therapies3
8412Core Course in Psychopathology3
8413Psychological Assessment I3
8423Psychological Assessment II3
8433Clinical Psychology: Scientific 和 Professional Dimensions3
8481Social, Cognitive, Developmental Aspects of Behavior3
PSY 9187Clinical Practicum 23
9287Clinical Practicum 23
9387Clinical Practicum 23
PSY 9411Clinical 研究 Methodology3
9485Ph.D. Internship Course2
9487Clinical Practicum 23
PSY 9987Assessment Practicum6
Bio-integrative Course 33
Clinical Elective3
General Electives6
研究 课程 46
Preliminary Examination Preparation
Pre-Dissertation 研究
Ph.D. Dissertation 研究
Total Credit Hours68



Students must complete 12 credits of Clinical Practicum, including PSY 9187, 9287, 9387, 9487.




至少需要6个学分,6个学分中至少有2个需要参加 9999. The remaining 4 credits can be taken in any combination of 9994, 9998, 9999. At least one credit of 9999 must be taken in the academic term or summer session of graduation.

Areas of Specialization in Cognition 和 Neuroscience, Developmental Psychology, Social Psychology

Core 课程
8011研究生 Statistics I 13
8015Teaching of Psychology1
8017Professional Issues for Psychology 职业生涯1
8021研究生 Statistics II 13
Electives 和 Topical Seminars18
研究 课程 26
Preliminary Examination Preparation
Pre-Dissertation 研究
Ph.D. Dissertation 研究
Total Credit Hours32



至少需要6个学分,6个学分中至少有2个需要参加 9999. The remaining 4 credits can be taken in any combination of 9994, 9998, 9999. At least one credit of 9999 must be taken in the academic term or summer session of graduation.

Optional Concentration in Quantitative Methods

Number of Credits Required to Complete the Optional Concentration: 3

Coursework taken as part of the Psychology PhD
研究生 Statistics I
研究生 Statistics II
Two Advanced Multivariate Methods courses 1
Coursework required outside of the Psychology PhD 2
8031Survey of Multivariate Techniques3
Total Credit Hours3

To complete this requirement, students opt to take 8032 Structural Equation Modeling8033 Hierarchical Linear Modeling in lieu of elective or seminar courses required for the Psychology PhD. With the permission of the 研究生 Director, an advanced statistics course may be selected instead of 8033.


此外,学生还需要展示教统计学的能力. 这是通过担任:(a)本科水平统计学课程的主要讲师来完成的, such as Introductory Statistics; (b) instructor of a recitation section for undergraduate statistics; or (c) teaching assistant for a statistics course at the graduate level. Alternately, 学生可以在心理学和神经科学系的相同或不同统计主题的多个研讨会上提交累计9至12小时的统计研讨会材料. 至少三个小时应该是说教性的,剩下的时间用来咨询. Students prepare a plan to address these hours. 请注意,担任统计课程的评分员不足以满足本专业的教学要求.

Internship: 临床心理学专业需要实习.

Culminating Events:
Preliminary Examination:
初试的目的是展示心理学专业领域的批判性和解释性知识. 该考试应以该领域已发表的文献评论为模型,并按照提交给学术期刊发表的评论所适用的标准进行评估. 该考试评估学生将特定研究重点应用于心理学预期问题的能力. 学生必须在复习中表现出高水平的口头和书面能力, synthesizing 和 evaluating an important topic in the field of Psychology.

初试一般在第三年学习结束时完成. 学科领域由学生和博士咨询委员会事先确定. 博士顾问委员会必须包括至少三名来自坦普尔大学心理和神经科学系的研究生教员. 该委员会可扩大到包括其他亿德体育院长教授(来自系内或系外)和/或来自大学以外的博士准备专家, 但委员会的大多数成员必须是亿德体育研究生院的成员. The Doctoral Advisory Committee evaluates the examination. Each member votes to pass or fail the student. In order to pass, 委员会的大多数成员必须同意考试已圆满完成. 在对书面文件进行评估后,进行口头答辩.


论文提案展示了学生的知识和能力,进行拟议的研究. The proposal should consist of the following:

  1. the context 和 background surrounding a particular research problem;
  2. an exhaustive survey 和 review of literature related to the problem; 和
  3. a detailed methodological plan for investigating the problem.


博士论文是对心理学领域做出重大贡献的原创性实证研究. 它应该扩展现有的知识,并展示学生对研究方法的掌握和对他们感兴趣的主要领域的掌握. Dissertations should be rigorously investigated; uphold the ethics 和 st和ards of the field; demonstrate an underst和ing of the relationship between the primary area of interest 和 the broader field of Psychology; 和 be prepared for publication in a professional journal.

论文审查委员会对学生的论文和口头答辩进行评估, including the student's ability to express verbally their research question, methodological approach, primary findings 和 implications. 论文审查委员会由博士咨询委员会加上至少三名额外的博士准备人员组成. 委员会的大多数成员必须是亿德体育研究生院的成员. 论文审查委员会在公开陈述结束时投票决定论文和答辩的通过或不通过.

如果学生需要更换博士咨询委员会或论文审查委员会的成员, 新成员必须经系主席批准,并在系研究生秘书和研究生院注册.

准备答辩的学生应与论文审查委员会确认时间和日期,并在答辩安排前至少15天向研究生秘书登记. The 研究生 Secretary arranges the time, date 和 room within two working days, forwards to the student the appropriate forms.

After the 研究生 Secretary has scheduled the defense, 学生必须向研究生院提交一份填妥的“论文答辩公告”表格, found in TUportal under the Tools tab within "University Forms," at least 10 working days before the defense. The department posts announcements of the defense, the 研究生 School lists the defense on its website.