
The 公共关系文学士 in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at 亿德体育 educates students with the knowledge, 管理客户关系的理论和技能, 企业, economic, 政府及传媒机构. 我们的公共关系学士学位课程, students learn to develop strategies to advise organizations in matters of social responsibility and influencing public opinion. 从基本的写作技巧到起草战略活动, 评估法律和道德方面的考虑,以管理技术对该领域的影响, our degree program provides students with the knowledge and skills for public relations (PR) success now and in the future.

公共关系是策略性地运用沟通来建立的, 在Organizations和公众之间建立和维护互利的关系. 不像营销和广告, PR使用整合传播——包括宣传, 广告, 社交媒体和原创故事——以独特的方式传达重要问题, 机会, 针对目标受众的问题及其解决方案. Students in our 公共关系 bachelor’s degree program learn to assess situations and determine, create and communicate strategic messages to build beneficial relationships among a wide variety of organizations and their diverse constituents.

在我们的节目中, you will learn theories that affect how today’s public relations is practiced and develop the knowledge base and the foundational PR skills of critical thinking, 口语和写作. 我们的课程将为您提供一些最新的行业标准通信工具, enabling you to earn certifications and gain the technical skills today’s employers value and need, 包括数据分析, 搜索引擎优化和社交媒体营销. 一旦掌握了这些技能,你就会成功

  • 设计、开发和评估活动;
  • learn how to manage client expectations as well as the ethical and legal implications of your work;
  • 制作基于原始研究的竞选材料, 宣传材料, and social and traditional media techniques; and
  • 加强你的公众演讲、团队和领导能力.

作为一名公共关系学士毕业生, 你将准备好将你的专业知识应用于代理机构的初级职位, 企业, 政府及非牟利空间. 使用数据分析, 促销活动, 建立关系和创造性的战略信息, 你将能够有效地沟通,以影响道德态度, 行为和带来积极的变化的关键目标受众.


  • 我们久负盛名的认证项目: 美国公共关系协会 对天普的公共关系课程的学术教育进行了认证. 这是全国仅有的36个项目之一,也是宾夕法尼亚州唯一的一个. Our degree program was named to the “Education A-list” by PRNews, a leading industry publication. 我们的课程还强调在行业和社会的多样性和包容性方面的领导地位. 学生参加 贝特曼竞争这是一个全国性的大学公关比赛,让他们在这个行业中占据优势.
  • 快速发展的产业当前位置公共关系是美国发展最快的行业之一. 亿德体育位于费城的黄金地段, 而且靠近纽约市和华盛顿, D.C.—where some of the largest and best-known PR firms are located—Temple students have the opportunity to learn from top professionals in the field.
  • 我们的专家团队我们全国知名的教师进行世界一流的研究, 不仅仅是在公关和沟通方面, 而是对影响社会的社会问题的看法. They also have industry experience and maintain one foot in the academic world and one foot in the profession. 他们的行业关系将帮助学生获得进入公司的机会, organizations and professionals that can get them started in a PR career or on the path to an advanced degree.
  • 我们获奖的学生Organizations学生可以加入 我们的全国获奖,全国认可的学生Organizations. 通过我们的学生Organizations, you can gain real-world experience in the public relations field and have the opportunity to make personal and professional connections. 一些相关的学生Organizations包括邓波儿大学的分会 美国公共关系学生协会; our student-run firm, PRowl公共关系; and our chapter of the 黑人公共关系协会.

Classes & 课程

该课程的学生完成120个学分, 包括至少49学分的公共关系课程. 一些主要的课程包括

  • PR的受众分析,

  • 危机沟通,

  • 公共关系的多样性,

  • 公共关系中的法律与伦理,

  • 领导小组和团队建设,

  • 公关写作, and

  • 公共关系组合.



The public relations minor builds knowledge and skills for students to develop a basic understanding of PR, 包括建立在相互信任和尊重基础上的有意义的对话. 通过这个项目, 你将学会有效地表达一个信息来影响和授权他人. Students who graduate with this minor will be able to use the knowledge they gain to bridge the divide between the theoretical and the practical applications in any businesses or communities they serve in the future. 了解更多关于公共关系的辅修课程.


格雷格Feistman, 公共关系副主席,是这个辅修课程的联系人. 
Email: greggf@secretsilm.com


Prepare for life after graduation by acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to communicate effectively and lead at the individual, Organizations和团队层次. 了解领导是一个沟通和关系的过程,而不是一个职位. This program is aimed at developing leaders who operate with the intent to create positive change through ethical decision-making and team management. 学习更多关于领导辅修课程的知识.



  • 国际交流

    Students in the 国际交流 Concentration (ICC) acquire a theoretical and practical education in international and intercultural communication and media. 对克莱因学生来说,这是一个独特的机会, this program allows you to obtain skills and knowledge in cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication by reflecting on your own cultural lens. Students participating in the ICC program are enlightened about various perspectives through an internationally and interculturally oriented curriculum. 该课程在坦普尔大学的国内校区开设, 但学生可以在国外学习期间补充一些课程.


Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Arts offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple 机会 for financial support.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, and more. 你可以看到完整的 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $19,728.00 /年
州外: $34,176.00 /年