
The 电气与计算机工程学士学位 亿德体育提供128学时的学位吗 College of Engineering 并专注于控制系统,电磁学和电子学. 

电气工程师创新和设计有助于维护建筑物的系统, computers, factories, 电网和电信生产效率高. They also design electric motors, radar and navigation systems, robots, and all other electronic devices.

Becoming an Electrical Engineer

成为入门级专业电气工程师需要电气工程或电子工程学士学位. 一些高级专业职位也可能需要高级学位或专业执照.

电气工程师需要在电气工程学科的核心科目中打下坚实的基础. At Temple, these include analog and digital circuit design, 以及离散和连续信号的处理, programming and circuit design. 这种教育将使你具备数学技能, physics, 推理和更多在这个领域是必要的. 

As an electrical engineering student, you’ll develop teamwork skills, 将设计与规格匹配的精度以及按期执行项目的能力. 然后,你将通过增加技术选修课来扩大你的范围,或者将你的技能定位于你最感兴趣的特定工程领域,从而扩大你的专业知识. 


You can focus on Electrical and Computer Engineering or choose one of the following concentrations.

  • Bioelectrical Engineering

    准备在辅助设备技术的新兴领域的职业生涯, 生物电子学和生物医学信号和图像处理. 通过学习解剖学打下坚实的基础, biology, control systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetics and physiology. 

  • Computer Engineering

    Learn to design and develop computers, microprocessors, 用于支持Internet的服务器和交换机的网络和工作站. 学习管理支持电信网络的硬件和协议的集成. 

  • Electrical Engineering

    为成为数字系统等领域的执业工程师做好准备, embedded processor applications, digital communications, control systems, sensor networks, biomedical signal processing, microelectronics, computer security and power networks. 学习电信网络的设计和开发, cellular telephones, computer and other microprocessor-based devices, consumer electronics, control systems for space vehicles and robots, 在电力和汽车工业的许多方面也是如此. 

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Major

    准备好理解和使用当今复杂的系统, as well as develop emerging technologies. Explore electromagnetics, 电子和控制系统,为从航空航天和电力到制造业和机器人的职业做准备.


合作教育(co-op)是一个可选的项目,可以为你提供在毕业前从事专业工作的机会. 学生将他们在课堂上学到的知识应用于该领域的实际问题. 合作社将帮助你与行业专业人士建立有价值的联系, 建立一个强大的履历,在你的领域有一个更好的视角.

Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, 电气与计算机工程理学学士学位提供具有竞争力的学费水平,并有多种经济支持机会.

学费由大学每年设定,并受到多种因素的影响, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), course load (full- or part-time), in-state or out-of-state residency, and more. You can view the full 学生财务服务网站上的出勤费用明细.


Pennsylvania resident: $22,464.00 per year
Out-of-state: $36,816.00 per year

Laptop Requirement

工程学院要求学生在大三的时候拥有一台笔记本电脑来完成他们的工程课程. Learn more about the hardware recommendation.


Related Graduate Degrees

+1 Accelerated Degree Programs

工程学院提供加速+1学士-硕士课程. 符合条件的学生在一个5年的课程中获得学士和硕士学位,而不是通常的6年. 

电气工程专业的本科学生可以在一年内获得电气工程硕士学位. 作为本科生参加的研究生课程按本科生收费. 了解更多关于工程学院的加速课程.

Our Academic Advisors

Through advising workshops, career coaching, individual appointments and walk-in advising, 所有本科工程专业的学生都可以获得支持服务. Such services range from academic mentoring, career development, choosing a major, degree planning, learning support and post-graduation planning.

所有学术顾问周一至周五上午8:30有空.m. to 5 p.m., 解答有关通识教育(普通教育)的问题, college and major requirements, and university academic policies and procedures. 



You can focus on Electrical and Computer Engineering or choose one of the following concentrations.

  • Bioelectrical Engineering

    准备在辅助设备技术的新兴领域的职业生涯, 生物电子学和生物医学信号和图像处理. 通过学习解剖学打下坚实的基础, biology, control systems, digital signal processing, electromagnetics and physiology. 

  • Computer Engineering

    Learn to design and develop computers, microprocessors, 用于支持Internet的服务器和交换机的网络和工作站. 学习管理支持电信网络的硬件和协议的集成. 

  • Electrical Engineering

    为成为数字系统等领域的执业工程师做好准备, embedded processor applications, digital communications, control systems, sensor networks, biomedical signal processing, microelectronics, computer security and power networks. 学习电信网络的设计和开发, cellular telephones, computer and other microprocessor-based devices, consumer electronics, control systems for space vehicles and robots, 在电力和汽车工业的许多方面也是如此. 

  • Electrical and Computer Engineering Major

    准备好理解和使用当今复杂的系统, as well as develop emerging technologies. Explore electromagnetics, 电子和控制系统,为从航空航天和电力到制造业和机器人的职业做准备.


Additional Program Information