

学士学位以外所需学分数: 60, 包括45个研究生水平的教学学分和15个研究学分, 包括博士初试和论文研究

硕士学位以外所需学分数: 30, 包括15个研究生水平的教学课程学分和15个研究学分, 包括博士初试和论文研究



核心课程 145
研究课程 215

课程作业通常由学生的博士咨询委员会选择. 它可以包括但不超过3个学分的 9182年10月 自主学习一, 3个学分 9282年10月 独立学习二,或3学分 9991年10月 指导研究. 此外, students who wish to take graduate coursework outside the College of Engineering in one of 亿德体育’s other schools or colleges need to obtain the appropriate written approvals on their Plan of Study form.


Sample distribution of the 15 credits associated with PhD examinations 和 dissertation research is shown, although the actual distribution of credits can vary across courses depending on the student's particular needs. Completion of the required 15 credits includes a minimum of 1 credit but no more than 2 credits of 9994年10月,至少1个学分 9998年10月,最少2个学分 9999年10月,并进一步规定最低修学分数 9994年10月, 9998年10月9999年10月 加起来是6.


核心课程 115
研究课程 215

课程作业通常由学生的博士咨询委员会选择. 它可以包括但不超过3个学分的 9182年10月 自主学习一, 3个学分 9282年10月 独立学习二,或3学分 9991年10月 指导研究. 此外, students who wish to take graduate coursework outside the College of Engineering in one of 亿德体育’s other schools or colleges need to obtain the appropriate written approvals on their Plan of Study form.


Sample distribution of the 15 credits associated with PhD examinations 和 dissertation research is shown, although the actual distribution of credits can vary across courses depending on the student's particular needs. Completion of the required 15 credits includes a minimum of 1 credit but no more than 2 credits of 9994年10月,至少1个学分 9998年10月,最少2个学分 9999年10月,并进一步规定最低修学分数 9994年10月, 9998年10月9999年10月 加起来是6.

Selection of a research advisor 和 formation of a Doctoral Advisory Committee constitute the first steps toward achieving a PhD. Selection of a doctoral advisor depends on the student’s level of preparation upon entering the PhD program. The Doctoral Advisory Committee selects the required coursework 和 guides the progress of the student’s dissertation research:

  • 具有硕士学位进入博士课程的学生.e., 必须修满30学分才能获得学位, 在第二学期结束前组成博士顾问委员会.
  • 学生进入该计划与学士学位,i.e., 必须修满60学分才能取得博士学位者, generally complete most of their coursework before forming their Doctoral Advisory Committee by the end of their fourth regular term in the program.

看到 研究生院政策02.28.11 以澄清博士咨询委员会的组成.

All students generally complete their didactic coursework prior to taking the preliminary examination. (见 研究生院政策02.27.11.) 30学分的学生通常在第三或第四学期参加考试. Students in the 60-credit cohort typically take the exam no later than the eighth regular term. 学生必须注册一个学分 9994年10月 初试准备 在这个学期考试的时候.

The preliminary exam tests both the student’s core knowledge in Civil Engineering 和 their capacity to synthesize 和 interpret research communications. The student coordinates the scheduling of the preliminary exam with the CEE 研究生 Program Director. CEE研究生项目主任监督具体表格, 土木工程初试的内容和频次. 学生最多有两次通过初试的机会. 在每学期尝试考试时,学生注册一个学分 9994年10月. 学生第二次不及格即被开除.

通过初试后, 学生必须编写一份书面研究计划,并在公开的学院研讨会上展示. The student must schedule the proposal ten business days prior to the presentation seminar 和 post an announcement. 紧接着研讨会结束, the Doctoral Advisory Committee will question the student about the details 和 strategy of their proposed research.

Approval is granted for the proposed dissertation research when the "Dissertation Proposal Transmittal for Elevation to C和idacy" form (found in TUportal under the Tools tab within "University Forms") has been signed off by the entire Doctoral Advisory Committee. After the dissertation proposal has been accepted by the Doctoral Advisory Committee 和 the 研究生 School has received the form, 这个学生被认为是博士候选人. (见 研究生院政策02.28.12 了解更多信息.)

Students carry out research throughout their studies 和 register for the corresponding research credits while in the PhD program. 然而, the type of research credits that a student registers for depends on the student’s progress in the program:

  • 在通过初试之前, 与学生研究相关的学时应注册在 9991年10月 指导研究.
  • 初试通过后, 但在晋升为候选人之前, 与学生研究相关的学时应注册在 9998年10月 Pre-Dissertation研究.
  • 升格为候选人后,学生的研究学分应根据 9999年10月 论文研究. 学生必须注册至少三个学分 9999年10月 在他们晋升为候选人之后. (见 研究生院政策02.28.15.)

Paper writing 和 presentation at a conference are considered integral to the student's training. 也, 同行评审, 在某种程度上, 提供学生研究的质量和新颖性的指标. All doctoral students must publish at least two technical papers in refereed journals or refereed conferences. The papers must be based on the student's dissertation research with the student as the first author.

The dissertation defense is an open University seminar in which the student presents the concepts 和 results of their research.

The student must coordinate the formation of the Dissertation Examining Committee in the term that they intend to defend their dissertation. This committee consists of the original Doctoral Advisory Committee plus one additional "external" member who is not faculty in the College of Engineering. 如果外部考官不是亿德体育研究生院的成员, the person must be approved by the 研究生 School at least four weeks prior to the dissertation defense.

论文答辩是在一个正常的学术学期(如.e.(不安排在学习日、期末考试或学期间的休息时间). 如果学生毕业于同一学期的论文答辩举行, then the defense should take place at least 30 days prior to the end of the term to allow for document revisions.

在答辩前三周, 委员会成员选举学位论文审查委员会主席. 主席不能是学生的博士指导老师. 研究和研究生院副院长必须批准选择. The Chair is identified to the 研究生 School in the student’s official request for permission to schedule the defense. (见 研究生院政策02.28.15.) The Chair’s role includes coordination of the proceedings of the defense 和 completion of all relevant College 和 研究生 School forms concerning the defense.

论文文件应以符合大学标准的格式准备. (见 研究生院政策02.28.18.) A copy of the completed dissertation must be provided to the committee at least three weeks before the date of the dissertation defense. Note that any 研究生 教师 may request a copy of the dissertation in advance of the defense 和 may participate in the defense.

A minimum of two weeks prior to the defense, a public announcement of the defense must be posted. 在发布之前,本公告必须得到研究生院的书面批准. (见 研究生院政策02.28.16.)

在演讲结束后, the Dissertation Examining Committee closely examines the student’s performance 和 their research. External attendees may participate in this closed portion of the defense with the permission of the Dissertation Examining Committee Chair. 然而, only members of the Dissertation Examining Committee may actually vote on the decision to accept the dissertation as prepared, 接受论文的修订, 或者不接受论文. 如果论文被接受与修订, a revised copy of the dissertation must be submitted 和 approved by the Committee within 30 days of the original defense date.