
Become a next-generation communication specialist who brings about positive social change with the 传播与社会影响文学学士学位 in the Lew Klein College of Media and Communication at 亿德体育. Learn to lead public messaging in cities challenged by the most fundamental issues of modern times, such as

  • 刑事司法改革;

  • 环境的影响,

  • 健康和劳工问题

  • LGBTQ和妇女权利,

  • 政治隔离,以及

  • 恐怖主义. 

The 传播与社会影响专业 allows you to develop a humanistic and social-scientific approach to effective public communication in urban environments. You will also learn the essentials of social influence and public speaking, 包括提出合理的论点, 组织你的想法, 支持你的主张和准备摘要. 


通过传播与社会影响专业学位课程, 您将获得以下三个重点领域之一的专业知识, 每一种都具有跨文化交际的特点.

  • The 公民参与 focus emphasizes communication of sociopolitical activities and community advocacy. 

  • The 风险沟通 focus deals with communication about environment, public health, science, politics and public policy.

  • The 冲突 focus covers communication for community and individual 冲突 management and resolution.


成为一个有效率的人, 有责任心的, civically minded agent of social change capable of communicating across a variety of issues and contexts and within a multicultural and multiethnic society. Acquire in-depth understanding of the theories underpinning social activism and community engagement, 以及实施这些战略所需的技能. Students will be able to draw both from our faculty’s subject area expertise, as well as immerse themselves in social movements throughout Philadelphia. 了解更多关于这个辅修课程的信息.

Classes & 课程

The 传播与社会影响专业 can be completed over four years of continuous, 全日制学习. Among the courses offered in this 124-credit degree program are the following.

  • 论证与倡导

  • 公民不服从

  • 沟通与公民参与

  • 仇恨和暴力的修辞

  • 风险沟通

  • 写演讲稿

  • 城市组织

Students are also required to complete one of four experience courses amounting to three credit hours. 这些课程是 实习, 游学实习, 指导研究 and 实习.

Learn more about courses and requirements for the 传播与社会影响专业.


You can focus on Communication and Social Influence or you can take one of the following concentrations.

  • 亿德体育

    Students in the 亿德体育 Concentration (ICC) acquire a theoretical and practical education in international and intercultural communication and media. 对克莱因学生来说,这是一个独特的机会, this program allows you to obtain skills and knowledge in cultural sensitivity and intercultural communication by reflecting on your own cultural lens. Students participating in the ICC program are enlightened about various perspectives through an internationally and interculturally oriented curriculum. 该课程在坦普尔大学的国内校区开设, 但学生可以在国外学习期间补充一些课程.


Tuition & Fees

为了与坦普尔大学对获取和负担得起的承诺保持一致, the Bachelor of Arts offers a competitive level of tuition with multiple opportunities for financial support.

Tuition rates are set annually by the university and are affected by multiple factors, 包括课程学位水平(本科或研究生), 课程负荷(全日制或非全日制), 居住在州内或州外, 和更多的. 你可以看到完整的 Cost of Attendance breakdown on the Student Financial Services website.


宾夕法尼亚州居民: $20,616.00 /年
州外: $35,712.00 /年