
General 项目要求:
Number of Credits Required Beyond the Baccalaureate: 32


8220年音乐Opera Workshop (4 terms)8
8274年音乐Opera Role 表演1
选修课 14

A maximum of one term of vocal coaching may be taken.

语言考试: Candidates in Opera must present undergraduate coursework in French, 德语和意大利语(或通过坦普尔大学的翻译和口语考试). Where the transcript or pass-off examination does not reveal such study, the appropriate deficiency course(s) must be taken prior to completion of the master's degree.

Additional Requirements:
Diagnostic Examinations:
Diagnostic examinations in Aural Theory, Written Theory, and Music 历史 are 要求所有 entering master's students. 爵士研究和音乐治疗专业的学生是例外,他们的考试安排在各自的院系内. In addition, Keyboard students take an additional two-hour examination in Keyboard Literature. 如《 Boyer College 研究生 Handbook, 硕士的学生可以不参加最后的资格考试,也不进行毕业独奏会,直到所有的诊断检查已经成功完成."

The exams may be taken in one day or split over three days, or the exams can be taken online 为 a fee. Preparations are provided upon registration. 访问 the Boyer College of Music and Dance website 为 the graduate music examination schedule and registration 为m.

请注意,学生第一学期的注册是在与学生事务副院长协商后完成的. Please re-read the admission letter, especi所有y the "Special Notes" section on page 2, regarding any entrance deficiencies. 如果需要补习课程,必须在第一学年结束前完成. It is also best 为 students to complete 必须8701 音乐研究, which is 要求 of 所有 students except those in Jazz Studies, 音乐教育, and Music Therapy in the first year of study.

A. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Aural Theory


  1. 通过写出低音线和用罗马数字和倒位来识别和弦,口述一个和弦进行调节并包含半音和声.
  2. Complete a two-part melodic dictation that modulates and contains chromatic pitches.

B. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Written Theory

The examination lasts one and one-half hours and is in two parts: 

  1. Harmonic analysis of two chorales: one that uses diatonic harmony, and one that uses chromatic harmony.
  2. 形式分析, motives and phrase structures of the first movement of a Classical-era piano sonata.

C. 研究生 Diagnostic Examination in Music 历史

考试时间一小时,包含客观问题,选择题和/或是非题形式. 它涵盖了从1450年到现在的作曲家、形式、乐器、音乐作品、风格和术语. 示例问题有:

  1. The basso continuo came into use in about which year?
    (a) 1500  (b) 1600  (c) 1650  (d) 1700
  2. 由谁 《爱的谎言 (The Song of the Earth)?
    (a) Mahler  (b) Bruckner  (c) Brahms  (d) Schumann
  3. Which of the following instruments would not be found in the score of a symphony by Haydn?
    (a) horn  (b) oboe  (c) timpani  (d) trombone  (e) trumpet

D. Conditions 为 Exemption from Diagnostic Examinations


  • matriculate and enroll in the term immediately following completion of 所有 undergraduate degree requirements; and
  • 在每个单独考试领域的每门本科课程中取得“B-”或以上的成绩.

In addition to the written Diagnostic Examinations 要求 upon entrance to the program, Opera majors take a functional piano examination encompassing the following points:

  1. playing a prepared accompaniment (music can be used);
  2. sight-reading a simple accompaniment; and
  3. improvising an accompaniment to a simple melody.

Remedial coursework may be 要求.

专业 Development Policy:
In addition to taking the 要求 subjects 为 their degrees, 博耶音乐舞蹈学院的所有学生都有义务以多种身份服务,以丰富他们的学术和音乐专业知识. 博耶音乐舞蹈学院认为,这样的经历可以推动成功的职业生涯. Among the duties that may be 要求 are conducting laboratory classes; tutoring; teaching private lessons; coaching; participating in the distribution and inventory control of 亿德体育-owned musical instruments and instructional materials; participating in ensembles; accompanying; per为ming at admissions and open house events; supervising per为mance classes; and engaging in other academic activities.


  1. 巡回演出:所有参加巡回演出的学生都必须参加所有预定的巡回演出. 这些旅游, usu所有y one or two weeks in length, often take place immediately after termination of academic terms. Students must arrange their schedules to accommodate this requirement.
  2. Non-Credit Participation: With special permission, graduate students 为 whom there is no ensemble requirement, or where previous ensemble credits exceed the graduation requirement, may participate in choral and instrumental ensembles without cost, with prior permission from the ensemble director, the 系主任 and the Associate Dean.

Independent Study 课程:
独立学习课程为研究生提供了一个特殊的机会,让他们在一个或多个教师的高度个性化的环境中工作. All such study must receive the approval of the faculty member providing the instruction, the students' major advisor, and the Associate Dean. 只有在学生提交了预期独立学习项目的详细描述后,才会被批准. 独立学习项目的批准只授予那些学术和音乐记录为这种学习的好处提供实质性支持的学生. In no case may more than 20% of a graduate student's curriculum be taken as independent study. 课程要求以外的私人课程不是独立学习的适当形式.

所有的学生, including those 为 whom English is not the native language, are expected to present 所有 written work in acceptable English. 不存在以英语熟练程度来区分学生的双重标准. 学生也有责任熟悉学院关于抄袭和学术诚信的声明.

研究生 Private Lesson Policy:
每周一小时的私人课程提供给所有录取的硕士和博士专业表现良好, 提供至少三个额外学分的编程要求的研究生水平的研究同时采取. 所有私人课程每学期收费$250(如有更改,恕不另行通知). Tuition remission may not be used to cover the private lesson fee.

目前对研究生表演学生有效的四学期要求之外的私人应用课程可以在陪审团的许可下延长, 系主任, and the Associate Dean or Dean of the Boyer College of Music and Dance.


Comprehensive Examination:
声乐和歌剧课程要求通过一小时的音乐文学和理论综合考试. When admitted to the College, 从中世纪到20世纪的100部标准文学音乐作品的列表可以提供给学生作为准备考试的辅助. This examination should be taken in the penultimate term of study.

考试分为三个部分:从100件作品中选出特定的作品, identification of a "mystery" selection, 以及分数分析. Two graduate faculty members grade the examination. Students must pass 所有 three sections. A score of 70% or better must be achieved in the identification section, 在“谜题”选择和分数分析部分必须达到“及格”或“弱及格”.

The examination is administered approximately ten times each year. 学生不迟于要求的考试管理日期前一周通知副院长. For examination dates, see the 研究生 Music Examination Schedule.

歌剧专业的学生必须至少有两个主要的评审角色,或者一个主要和两个次要的评审角色. Fully-staged opera productions with orchestra are typic所有y presented each term. Opera roles are adjudicated by three full-time music faculty members.